HIDA and the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Schools

Under the umbrella of the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA), six research schools train young scientists. The HIDSS4Health is part of this Germany-wide training network, which offers data scientists a variety of exciting training and networking opportunities.

The six Helmholtz Information & Data Science Research Schools are linked by a network of 13 national research centers and 17 top universities across Germany. Currently, these graduate schools train over 330 fully funded PhD candidates.

The six Information & Data Science Schools:

Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science HEIBRiDS

Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health HIDSS4Health

Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science MarDATA

Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy HDS-LEE

Munich School for Data Science MUDS

Data Science in Hamburg Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter DASHH

Our offers

HIDA and the Schools offer young scientists attractive opportunities for training and further education in a broad spectrum of methods. For this purpose, they organize their own trainings & events and provide an overview of courses and events in the field of Information & Data Science at all Helmholtz centers with the Course Catalog.

The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy also promotes Data Science collaborations across disciplines and borders and offers attractive international and national exchange programs for Data Science talents with universities and research institutions:

For Helmholtz researchers:

For (inter)national scientists who would like to apply for funding for a research stay of up to 3 months at a Helmholtz Center:

Discover HIDA

HIDA is the central platform for the exchange of knowledge and methods in the field of Information & Data Science in the Helmholtz Association. Learn more about Data Science research in the Helmholtz Association in HIDA's newsroom, subscribe to the HIDA newsletter to stay up to date, and share your research experiences in the HIDA blogs.

Feel free to contact us and become part of our Data Science network.


Helmholtz Information &
Data Science Academy (HIDA)
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
10178 Berlin

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